Saturday, July 10, 2010

The house of the future

Tropical domes are superior to any wood, brick, metallic or concrete block structure now in use throughout the Caribbean islands.
Here is why.
Resembling a half-egg, the building is shaped like an igloo offering several major advantages over existing construction models. Between geodesic domes that are built out of triangular panels welded together on site and monolithic domes that are built in one piece, the monolithic ones are better because they are robust and don’t leak.
We specialize only in monolithic domes.
We all know too well that our entire region rests on the Caribbean Tectonic Plate at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean stretching from northeast (Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) to the south (Venezuela).
All the islands move as if on bearings when the slightest land tremor occurs.
If not ruined by deep land tremors at one time, 4-wall buildings, no matter how well built, get cracks because of huge tensions on the four corners of the house. This requires repairs, unexpected costs and regular check-ups, affecting homeowners negatively by keeping them afraid of constant dangers.
Not so with the dome. The dome is firmly anchored to the foundation and its entire rebar frame is purposefully designed and tied up to absorb earthquakes of the greatest magnitude.
Domes can never cave in on people indoors, nor can they spill over the sidewalks like collapsing 4-wall houses do.
No matter how well the roof of a 4-wall house is secured, it remains a hazard and even if the whole roof is not destroyed by strong gales of winds, parts of it will be one day, and once is enough.
Did you know it costs money to clean, fix or replace roofs?
Did you notice it takes time to fix roofs and to deal with all those involved in roof repairs, from insurance and construction planning officers to Bank loan officers, site inspectors, suppliers and roofers themselves?
The tropical dome has no such disadvantage simply because it has no roof at all.
Opposing no resistance to the fury of nature, the egg-like shape allows the strongest winds to pass by harmlessly and their brute force to be dissipated along its dense space-age materials frame.
Your home insurance premium will be less because of this.
No devastating wall of seawater swept across the Caribbean in living memory.
But is this a guarantee it won’t happen?
When one is going to hit us one day, expect your 4-wall house to be washed away completely or at least demolished and the roof peeled off.
A 10-40-foot tsunami will be a catastrophe of gigantic proportions, especially to the low-lying islands (Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Caymans, Turks & Caicos) and the damage to buildings you see now, if any is going to stand, will be incalculable.
Not to mention the lives lost.
Domes are built to take pressures of up to 10,000 lbs./sq.ft., and while it’s true they won’t resist a 600-meter wave, they can withstand smaller tsunamis that traditional houses can’t.
Domes will be the only buildings up.
Concrete block.
Replacing bamboo, plywood, wooden and brick houses for the past 50+ years, concrete blocks became the predominant building material because of cheapness and large supply.
But is the concrete block a true quality product? No, it isn’t.
Don’t Caribbean inhabitants deserve better without increased costs?
Isn’t it high time for superior solutions in the construction industry to be introduced to our islands?
Did you notice that concrete block walls absorb the heat during the day releasing it indoors forcing you to turn air-conditioning on? Just touch your walls at 2 a.m. and you will feel that they are still warm in the thick of the night from hot air and direct exposure to sunlight during the day.
No such disadvantage exists with domes. All domes are padded with 7 – 9” insulating foam that keeps heat in the tropics (or cold in the artic) away. With global warming upon us, no better housing solution than the monolithic dome exists. If one had existed, we would have chosen to build that one instead.
How about if I told you that a monolithic dome the size of your house costs less to build, less to maintain and less to insure? is the first dome construction company in the Caribbean with the latest technology.
We shall build singular, modular and multi-storied homes, schools, churches, theatres, sports-halls and warehouses throughout the region as the first and quality monolithic dome providers in the region.
Forget about 4-wall buildings and switch to the design that makes sense: the house of the future, THE MONOLITHIC DOME.

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